Bakeru's adventure begins in this Japan-esque wild action game! Disaster strikes Japan! Oracle Saitaro and his Festival Troops are using a bizarre festival to take over Japan. Bakeru travels to 47 Japanese prefectures to free Japan from the grip of evil spirits!
Spectacular action
Bakeru takes place in "Fairy Tale Japan," a mix of modern Japan and old period dramas, which is divided into more than 50 stages.
Transform into fairy tale heroes
By obtaining a Henge License, Bakeru can transform into whoever gave him the license. Transform into famous Japanese heroes like Kintaro and Momotaro to use their skills and abilities.
Additional features
New attacks Hurricane and Spinning Top, and additional enemy: Lantern Boss.
In-game voice: Japanese. In-game text: English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.
Manufacturer | Other Brands |
Specification | Manufacturer's Warranty - Parts None Product Name Bakeru ESRB Descriptors Fantasy violence Genre Action and Adventure Manufacturer's Warranty - Labor None Brand PM Studios Compatible Platform(s) Nintendo Switch ESRB Rating E10+ (Everyone 10+) Publisher PM Studios Video Game Content Included Full game Software Format Physical |