Meet the premier gaming headset to rule them all. Armed with hybrid ANC, THX AAA, and upgraded Razer TriForce Bio-cellulose drivers for flagship quality audio. Backed by an intelligent dual-wireless design for seamless switching between low-latency PC/console gaming and Bluetooth mobile use.
Hybrid Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) Technology
The headset’s adaptive ANC intelligently suppresses varying levels of ambient noise without affecting sound quality, so you can shut out all distractions and hear what truly matters.
THX Achromatic Audio Amplifier (THX AAA)
Experience the world’s highest fidelity audio with a powerful built-in amp that delivers maximum dynamic range—for pure, clean sound across games, music, and movies.
Razer SmartSwitch Dual Wireless
For greater convenience, the headset can instantly switch between high-speed 2.4GHz or Bluetooth mode for seamless audio as you hop between using your PC/console and phone respectively.
Razer TriForce Bio-cellulose 50mm Drivers
Our upgraded TriForce design utilizes an ultra-thin bio-cellulose diaphragm, improving soundstage and reducing distortion for distinct clarity and deep bass reproduction.
Integrated Beamforming Noise-Cancelling Mics
The dual hidden microphones feature powerful levels of noise suppression that can be customized for indoor and outdoor use, ensuring you’re clearly heard no matter where you may be.
Razer Audio App
Tune the headset to best fit your needs as you adjust its ANC levels, microphone noise-cancelling levels, audio EQ, auto-shutdown settings, and more.
Manufacturer | Razer |
Specification | True Wireless No Sound Isolating Yes Color Category Black Built-In Microphone Yes Battery Life 40 hours Minimum Frequency Response 20 hertz Water Resistant No Wireless Connectivity Bluetooth Connection Type Wireless Manufacturer's Warranty - Labor 2 Years Sensitivity 96 decibels adjusted Bone Conducting Technology No Headband Material Stainless steel Ear Cushion Material Pressure-Relieving Plush Leatherette Memory Foam Sound Mode Stereo Manufacturer's Warranty - Parts 2 Years Lighting Type None Compatible Platform(s) Mac/Windows Rechargeable Yes Model Number RZ04-03780100-R3U1 Adjustable Headband Yes Body Metrics Measured Not Applicable Waterproof No Headphone Fit Over-the-Ear Charging Accessory Included Cable Color Black Maximum Frequency Response 20 kilohertz Microphone Features Fixed Controls Volume Product Name Barracuda Pro Wireless Stereo Gaming Headset for PC, PS5, PS4, Switch, and Mobile Product Weight 0.75 pounds Charging Interface(s) USB Type C Brand Razer Driver Size 50 millimeters Impedance 32 ohms Bluetooth Version 5.2 |
Customer Rating | 4.0 |
Customer Rating | 4.0 |