Surrounded by savory and delicious aroma, enjoy the ultimate cookout with Royal Gourmet 23 in. Charcoal Grill. 393 sq. in. primary cooking area, along with 205 sq. in. warming rack as a secondary cooking space, serves up to 10-people which is perfect for all sorts of outdoor activities from backyard parties to camping. The porcelain-enameled cooking grates ensures even heat distribution. Featuring the built-in thermometer and the damper, precise temperature control is guaranteed to achieve the best performance. 6-level height-adjustable charcoal pan helps reach the maximum efficiency in terms of heat utilization. The charcoal access door at the front enables you to add coals or stoke fire with ease. The draw-out ash tray at the bottom facilitates easy cleanup. As for food preparation, the grill has 2 foldable side tables that can keep your grilling accessories within arm's reach. In addition, the bottom shelf provides ample storage space. Don't hesitate, Royal Gourmet 23 in. Charcoal Grill is the best choice, perfect for cook up a storm.