VEVOR Electric Wire Hoist 1760 lbs. Remote Control Winch Overhead Crane 110-Volt for Factories Warehouse Construction Building
VEVOR Lift Electric Hoist 1100 lbs. Remote Control Electric Winch Overhead Crane 110-Volt for Factories Warehouse Construction
VEVOR Electric Wire Hoist 2000 lbs. Remote Control Winch Overhead Crane 110-Volt for Factories Warehouse Construction Building
Lease to Own at
$43 /month or less
100 Days Price: $259
est. $10 /week*
Get it now rent as you go. The item is yours after renting for 12 months or buyout early anytime. No down payment, no commitment, return/cancel anytime.
Rental payment / 2 wks est. $20 * All lease payments apply to the ownership cost
Ownership Options & Cost (before tax)
100-day cash price: $259
Lease-to-Own: 26 bi-weekly payments over 12 months.
Early buyout price: After 100 days, buyout with a one-time payment of 50% of your remaining ownership balance.